Originally established by the British Crown, we can trace our roots back to 1749, and have provided financial services from our London base since 1833. This long history of commitment to excellence means we have an extensive network of global partners and the expertise to deliver strong and consistent returns and enhanced client experience.

We specialise in the management of central bank reserves. We work with over 30 central banks globally, separately offering investment management and banking services, respectively. CAIM offers comprehensive investment solutions tailored to our clients’ specific needs, and structure portfolios to maximise expected returns while constraining downside risk.

We manage bespoke investment grade fixed income portfolios for commercial banks and other financial institutions, according to each individual client’s liquidity, return, risk and even accounting preferences.

We manage custom multi-asset portfolios combining fixed income and equity strategies for institutions with relatively higher return objectives and risk tolerance. We provide advisory on multi-asset portfolio design and implementation, and tailor investment solutions to client requirements.
Our History
Our predecessor organization was originally established by the British Crown
The first joint agents general for crown colonies were appointed by the British government to manage grants, raise capital and provide procurement services
Began raising capital by floating bonds on the London securities market
By 1930 Crown Agents had raised £450m for its clients through more than 200 loans
The rules governing Crown Agents’ client base were relaxed, allowing relationships with fully independent countries – Iraq becoming the first
Managed the world’s first sovereign wealth fund
Crown Agents appointed by DFID to provide management, administration and banking services for disbursement of UK Aid
Crown Agents Financial Services Limited was established to act as a banker to Crown Agents and its clients
Crown Agents Financial Services Limited changes name to Crown Agents Bank and Crown Agents Asset Management changes name to Crown Agents Investment Management Limited
Crown Agents Bank appointed to panel of 20 banks authorised to arrange and administer loans under UK Export Finance’s £3billion Direct Lending Facility
Acquired by funds advised by Helios Investment Partners
Launch of Crown Agents Bank’s FX trading platform, EMpowerFX
Acquired by Momentum Global Investment Management